
What is OneForm?

What is OneForm?

OneForm is a form library.

Okay... So what's that mean to me?

OneForm is a way to manage the state of your form.

Just about every developer uses forms, and you'll almost always run into a situation where your requirements are too complex for a simple solution.

That's where OneForm comes in. It's very plug 'n play.

Unlike other popular form libraries, OneForm requires no special setup.

Basic Example

What does OneForm solve?

OneForm solves the problem of maintaining form state in React.

There are plenty of similar libraries, but even the most-popular are flawed.

OneForm could be your solution to form state in React; the one form library you need!

Who needs OneForm?


  • Even for simple forms with a select box and a button, I recommend OneForm.

  • Even if you don't have a submit button, I recommend OneForm.

If your form is extremely complex and has multiple dynamic fields and those dynamic fields render other dynamic fields, and you also need to somehow maintain validation that queries the values of multiple fields, OneForm is most-definitely the only solution I'd recommend.

And if you need to build an application, and you want to use a state manager that's not Redux or MobX, use OneForm. Yes, it's completely possible. I think you'll be surprised at how easy it can be. While OneForm is primarily a form library, it's only this powerful because it's also a state manager.


  • Kevin Ghadyani (creator)

  • Ionut Costica (code, bug fixes, TypeScript types)

  • Giselle Ghadyani (documentation)

Special Thanks

The ideas behind OneForm originated from Kevin Ghadyani's time at Minted where they created their own form library to build highly customizable, complex forms. That library was called Minted Forms.

Minted Forms is closed-source which is why Kevin Ghadyani got persmission to build OneForm, an open-source version of Minted Forms with more features and functionality. Eventually, Minted would go on to use OneForm instead of Minted Forms.

Many folks at Minted played a part in the creation of Minted Forms:

  • Giselle Ghadyani

  • Rebekah Heacock Jones

  • David Helgeson

  • Peter Carnesciali

OneForm's logo is courtesy of Noah Raskin. He does some amazing graphic design and spent a long time making this logo as cool as it is today.

Last updated