Validate groups of fields

By passing group validations.

Group validations utilize the groupValidation prop on <OneForm />. It's not often you'll need to validate groups of fields, but when you do, OneForm provides a powerful API.

Validate field groups

const groupValidations = [
    fieldNames: [
    getErrorMessages: ({
    }) => ({
      lastName: (
            === values.lastName
        && 'Your first and last name cannot match.'

An array of objects containing a getErrorMessages function that gets called when any subscribed value changes.

When returning a value, instead of returning a boolean, you need to specify which fields actually errored and the message for each of those fields. In the above example, we returned an error message on only the lastName field.

Change vs Submit validation

Using the validationType prop (passed into your getErrorMessages function), it's possible to perform a different validation on field changes versus form submission.

const groupValidations = [
    fieldNames: [
    getErrorMessages: ({
    }) => {
      if (validationType === 'change') {

      if (
        validationType === 'submit'
        && values.month <= 12
        && <= 31
      ) {
        return {
          dateError: 'Your date is invalid.',

A good example is when you might not want to show an error message about a date being incorrect until the form is submitted, when it really matters.

Avoiding namespace conflicts

To avoid namespace conflicts, prefix your field names with the component name:

import { Field } from '@oneform/react'

const FieldsComponentExample = () => (
      <input name="FieldsComponentExample.firstName" />

      <input name="FieldsComponentExample.lastName" />

export default FieldsComponentExample

This is only recommended if you're packaging fields in separate components as it shouldn't matter otherwise.

If you're wondering how you can render loops of components that share the same names, now you're looking for <FieldGroup />, and this is all bundled into dynamic field validation.

Last updated