Show an error message under a group of fields

When your fields aren't long enough for full-width errors.

There are a few ways of setting up error messages under a group of fields, the concept revolves around setting an error message on a made-up field name; one that only used for displaying error messages.

Displaying errors anywhere by passing them in

The simplest way is passing errorMessages into <OneForm /> on a field that'll only be used for displaying error messages:

import {
} from '@oneform/react'

const errorMessages = {
  birthdayError: [
    'You can only have one birthday.',

const SingleErrorExample = () => (
    <FieldErrorMessage name="birthdayError" />

export default SingleErrorExample

The HTML output looks like:

  You can only have one birthday.

You can also use updatedErrorMessages as well with the same structure as errorMessages. Which you choose depends on your needs. errorMessages wipes the error state before showing the errors you pass in whereas updatedErrorMessages merges your errors into the existing form, only overwriting the fields with new errors.

Displaying errors anywhere with group validations

Instead of passing in error messages, you'd typically want to use groupValidations as you don't have to manage any external state.

It'll look something like this:

import {
} from '@oneform/react'

const groupValidations = [
    fieldNames: [
    getErrorMessages: ({
    }) => {
      if (
        values.month <= 12
        && <= 31
      ) {
        return {
          dateError: 'Your date is invalid.',
          day: true,
          month: true,

const GroupFieldErrorExample = () => (
        <input name="month" />

        <input name="day" />

      <FieldErrorMessage name="dateError" />

export default GroupFieldErrorExample

The HTML output looks like:

    <input name="month" />
    <input name="day" />

    You can only have one birthday.

You can return error message on completely unrelated fields, and that's the power of OneForm's internal state management. It doesn't care if those are real fields or error fields, so long as there's an error there, it will show it.

FieldErrorMessage returns a string of text wherever you put it. This ensures you don't display errors on the month and day fields; neither of which is long enough to accommodate a full-width error message.

Don't worry about clearing out these error messages. OneForm keeps track of all error messages output by each getErrorMessages function and removes those errors if nothing comes back.

This does mean you need to return all error messages in getErrorMessages each time they occur.

Triggering an error state without a message

Looking at our previous example, we're returning errors on month and day, but haven't put in a message:

getErrorMessages: ({
}) => {
  if (
    values.month <= 12
    && <= 31
  ) {
    return {
      dateError: 'Your date is invalid.',
      day: true,
      month: true,

What's gonna happen next?

OneForm translates all true error messages as ' '. If you didn't catch that, it's a space character. It does this because a space character translates to a truthy value. Useful when triggering the error state of a form without displaying an error message.

Using a space character

The reason we use ' ' instead of true or any other value, most React components accept a single type of data in their fields.

Because of this, the value needs to be truthy without switching types from a string to a boolean. A space character, which HTML skips over, is important to achieving this goal.

While HTML will remove the space, you might have special styling in your custom components if an error message exists.

In those cases, you'll need to ensure to .trim() the error message before checking if those styles should activate.

Last updated